To utilize some of the framework’s built-in functionality in your widget areas, make sure to install the Theme Blvd Widget Pack plugin from the WordPress plugin repository. Below are the widgets included in this pack.
Horizontal Menu
This widget works similarly to the default WordPress «Custom Menu» widget. — Once inserted it will allow you to select a custom menu built under Appearance > Menus. However, this menu will be then outputted in a way that is formatted properly for the submenu system of Bootstrap. It’s intended for this widget to be used within your theme’s horizontal collapsible widget areas.
Mini Post Grid Widget
This widget takes the theme framework’s post grid system and gives you a simulated version on a smaller scale with some slight modifications. The purpose of this widget is to give you a chance to quickly embed a set of image thumbnails that coorespond to posts you’ve setup. The Mini Post Grid does not include the theme’s standard post grid design, as it will only give you thumbnails for each post you’re using.
Mini Post List Widget
This widget takes the theme framework’s post list system and gives you stripped-down version. The purpose of this widget is to give you a quick way to list out posts. The Mini Post List does not include the theme’s standard post list design.
This widget will give you a similar effect many other widgets may give you when listing posts with thumbnails. However, the main difference is that this widget will use the framework’s internal thumbnail system. This means that any link options you’ve setup for your post options will apply to the thumbnails displayed in the Mini Post List.
Simple Contact Widget
This widget will allow you to quickly display some contact information.
Twitter Widget
This widget will display a list of recent tweets from your Twitter account. — And ok, ok, this is definitely a widget we didn’t have to include within the framework and totally encroaches on «plugin territory» but what can we say, we couldn’t resist!
Video Widget
This widget will take a video URL you enter and feed it through to WordPress’s internal oEmbed system. When you do this the theme’s filters will also get applied as described here in order to allow the video to be responsive with the rest of your site.
YouTube Example:
Vimeo Example: