Post Grid
[post_grid category_name="portfolio" columns="3" rows="1"]
[post_grid tag="photo" columns="3" rows="1"]
Apologies, but there are no posts to display.
Post Grid Options
Argument | Default | Description |
cat | None | Category ID(s) to include/exclude. |
category_name | None | Category slug(s) to include/exclude. |
tag | None | Tag(s) to include/exclude. |
portfolio | None | Portfolio slug to pull posts from, requires Portfolios plugin. |
portfolio_tag | None | Portfolio tag to pull posts from, requires Portfolios plugin. |
columns | 3 | Number of posts per row. |
rows | 3 | Number of rows. |
orderby | date | What to order the posts by – date, title, comment_count, rand. |
order | DESC | How to order the posts – ASC, DESC |
offset | 0 | How many posts to offset from the start of the query. |
crop | None | Can manually enter a featured image crop size. |
query | None | Custom query string formatted for get_posts() .Ex: foo=bar&foo2=bar2 |
Post List
[post_list category_name="portfolio" numberposts="3"]
[post_list tag="photo" numberposts="3"]
Apologies, but there are no posts to display.
Post List Options
Argument | Default | Description |
thumbs | default | Size of post thumbnails – default, small, full, hide. |
post_content | default | Show excerpts or full content – default, content, excerpt. |
cat | None | Category ID(s) to include/exclude. |
category_name | None | Category slug(s) to include/exclude. |
tag | None | Tag(s) to include/exclude. |
portfolio | None | Portfolio slug to pull posts from, requires Portfolios plugin. |
portfolio_tag | None | Portfolio tag to pull posts from, requires Portfolios plugin. |
numberposts | 4 | How many posts to include. |
orderby | date | What to order the posts by – date, title, comment_count, rand. |
order | DESC | How to order the posts – ASC, DESC |
offset | 0 | How many posts to offset from the start of the query. |
query | None | Custom query string formatted for get_posts() .Ex: foo=bar&foo2=bar2 |
Mini Post Grid
Apologies, but there are no posts to display.[mini_post_grid tag="portfolio"]
[mini_post_grid gallery="1,2,3"]
Argument | Default | Description |
cat | None | Category ID(s) to include/exclude. |
category_name | None | Category slug(s) to include/exclude. |
tag | None | Tag(s) to include/exclude. |
numberposts | 4 | How many posts to include. |
orderby | date | What to order the posts by – date, title, comment_count, rand. |
order | DESC | How to order the posts – ASC, DESC |
offset | 0 | How many posts to offset from the start of the query. |
query | None | Custom query string formatted for get_posts() .Ex: foo=bar&foo2=bar2 |
align | left | How to align grid of thumbnails – left, right, center. |
gallery | None | If you’d like to display images from a gallery instead of featured images of standard posts, you can input the ID’s of the attachments to use in the gallery. Ex: 1,2,3 |
Mini Post List
Apologies, but there are no posts to display.[mini_post_list tag="photo" numberposts="3"]
Argument | Default | Description |
thumb | smaller | Size of thumbnails – small, smaller, smallest. |
meta | show | Whether to show post date below post titles – show, hide. |
cat | None | Category ID(s) to include/exclude. |
category_name | None | Category slug(s) to include/exclude. |
tag | None | Tag(s) to include/exclude. |
numberposts | 4 | How many posts to include. |
orderby | date | What to order the posts by – date, title, comment_count, rand. |
order | DESC | How to order the posts – ASC, DESC |
offset | 0 | How many posts to offset from the start of the query. |
query | None | Custom query string formatted for get_posts() .Ex: foo=bar&foo2=bar2 |